Infants and Toddlers

Mother with baby patient
During the first 18 months of life, your child's brain development is focused largely on learning how to move their body, and learning to organize the information coming in through the senses. When a child falls, is chronically fussy, is excessively sensitive to loud noises or strong smells, fails to achieve a developmental milestone, uses one side of the body more than the other, gets ill too often, or exhibits a regressive shift in behavior – it is time to pay attention! These can be signs that an infant is suffering from biomechanical injury.
Infants appear to recover quickly from bumps or falls, and indeed usually do! But sometimes, though the surface injury heals perfectly, the developing brain can’t manage to clear the neurological confusion caused by the injury and the child is left with a hidden biomechanical instability. The developing sensory-motor system, so dependent upon movement patterns, begins to show strain as the body struggles with the mechanics of movement.
Signs of biomechanical injury in infants include:
Axial Stability Method® chiropractic treatment can transform an infant if the underlying problem is biomechanical injury. A difficult birth, seizures, surgery, a bad fall, bumps on the head, or a vaccination gone awry can all cause biomechanical inefficiency and instability. At this age, just a few chiropractic treatments can have a miraculous affect: physical difficulties disappear, behavior improves, the immune system bounces back and the child eases back into the blueprint of development. Intervening early saves wear and tear on a whole family and can save a life-time of difficulties for the child.
Working with infants to reach their full developmental potential is the greatest gift we can give our children – at the age when intervention is most cost-effective.
For more information about infant development, click here.
Infants appear to recover quickly from bumps or falls, and indeed usually do! But sometimes, though the surface injury heals perfectly, the developing brain can’t manage to clear the neurological confusion caused by the injury and the child is left with a hidden biomechanical instability. The developing sensory-motor system, so dependent upon movement patterns, begins to show strain as the body struggles with the mechanics of movement.
Signs of biomechanical injury in infants include:
- Poor reflexes: suck, swallow, breathe, startle
- Turning head or rolling to one side more than the other
- Unequal use of left and right sides of the body
- Awkward crawling, not using legs evenly
- Slow to roll over, sit up, crawl, walk, or use language
- Low motivation for movement
- Poor coordination of eyes, ears or hands
- Excessive crying or irritability
Axial Stability Method® chiropractic treatment can transform an infant if the underlying problem is biomechanical injury. A difficult birth, seizures, surgery, a bad fall, bumps on the head, or a vaccination gone awry can all cause biomechanical inefficiency and instability. At this age, just a few chiropractic treatments can have a miraculous affect: physical difficulties disappear, behavior improves, the immune system bounces back and the child eases back into the blueprint of development. Intervening early saves wear and tear on a whole family and can save a life-time of difficulties for the child.
Working with infants to reach their full developmental potential is the greatest gift we can give our children – at the age when intervention is most cost-effective.
For more information about infant development, click here.