Who Can Benefit

Dr. Susan Grace testing hamstring strength
Just about everyone!
Axial Stability Method® chiropractic treatment, the chiropractic technique we use at Lydian Chiropractic, is unusually effective at treating biomechanical injury - chronic structural instabilities within the core of the body. Because of this, our treatments often have wide-ranging benefits for health and well-being.
We help people with:
Preventive Treatment
We treat biomechanical structure to improve function. Proper functioning of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems can delay or prevent the onset of common degenerative diseases such as arthritis, and maintain quicker reaction time both physically and mentally. Treating biomechanical injury during childhood can prevent chronic aches and pains in adulthood. Everyone – even if they are asymptomatic and relatively complaint-free – should be checked for biomechanical injury, especially if they have any kind of chronic or episodic pain, an awkward walk, funny clicks in joints, or one hip or shoulder lower than the other.
Many people who do not have overt complaints have reported increased energy, ease of movement, and an elevated sense of well-being after finishing treatment. Most people are laboring harder than they need to, and many suffer from biomechanical injury that lies latent for years until, out of the blue, the back “goes out,” or a knee “gives way.” Even if the complaint isn’t pain, many people suffer from stiff muscles, numbness or tingling, poor coordination or clumsiness, poor immunity, lack of energy, “brain fog,” or sluggish thinking.
Enhancing the Effectiveness of other Kinds of Treatment
Because structural stability and efficient biomechanics profoundly affects all of the body’s functions, ASM® treatment can enhance the effectiveness of other kinds of health care treatment. When the body is freed from the background stress of structural instability, it can become more receptive to other interventions such as acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, vision training, and conventional medicines. If you have plateaued in treatment with another practitioner, getting your structural system stabilized can give you a jump start and make those treatments effective once again.
- People of all ages: adults, children, the elderly – even infants.
- People in acute pain or chronic pain.
- Children and infants with developmental delays, poor motor skills or behavioral problems.
- People in no pain who are seeking preventive treatment.
- People receiving other kinds of treatment such as acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, vision training, and conventional medicine.
Axial Stability Method® chiropractic treatment, the chiropractic technique we use at Lydian Chiropractic, is unusually effective at treating biomechanical injury - chronic structural instabilities within the core of the body. Because of this, our treatments often have wide-ranging benefits for health and well-being.
We help people with:
- headaches
- whiplash & post-concussion syndrome
- back & neck pain
- stiff joints
- aching shoulders, arms and legs
- sciatica
- numbness and tingling
- repetitive stress injury, poor posture
- low immune functioning, chronic illness
- fatigue
- poor balance, clumsiness
- sensory processing issues
- gross and fine motor skills
- learning disabilities
- child developmental delays
Preventive Treatment
We treat biomechanical structure to improve function. Proper functioning of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems can delay or prevent the onset of common degenerative diseases such as arthritis, and maintain quicker reaction time both physically and mentally. Treating biomechanical injury during childhood can prevent chronic aches and pains in adulthood. Everyone – even if they are asymptomatic and relatively complaint-free – should be checked for biomechanical injury, especially if they have any kind of chronic or episodic pain, an awkward walk, funny clicks in joints, or one hip or shoulder lower than the other.
Many people who do not have overt complaints have reported increased energy, ease of movement, and an elevated sense of well-being after finishing treatment. Most people are laboring harder than they need to, and many suffer from biomechanical injury that lies latent for years until, out of the blue, the back “goes out,” or a knee “gives way.” Even if the complaint isn’t pain, many people suffer from stiff muscles, numbness or tingling, poor coordination or clumsiness, poor immunity, lack of energy, “brain fog,” or sluggish thinking.
Enhancing the Effectiveness of other Kinds of Treatment
Because structural stability and efficient biomechanics profoundly affects all of the body’s functions, ASM® treatment can enhance the effectiveness of other kinds of health care treatment. When the body is freed from the background stress of structural instability, it can become more receptive to other interventions such as acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, vision training, and conventional medicines. If you have plateaued in treatment with another practitioner, getting your structural system stabilized can give you a jump start and make those treatments effective once again.