The First Visit for Adults

Dr. Nicole Andrade with new patient
The initial evaluation includes an extensive case history followed by a chiropractic physical exam. This usually takes about 75 minutes. During the exam we look for asymmetry of shoulders and hips, arm and leg length discrepancies, painful areas, patterns of neurological and muscular instability and weakness, as well as standard orthopedic and neurological tests. Female patients wear gowns, and male patients wear shorts.
Please take time to fill out your health history form. Our doctors will be better able to help you if they have a clear understanding of your health history. We ask many questions to help jiggle your memory about long forgotten events that could help explain your current complaints. We look for the deep underlying causes. Axial Stability Method is not a band-aid approach.
Please be on time for your first visit. We have set aside this time for you. If you are late, your chiropractor has less time to collect the important information she will need to give you the clearest report of findings and determine if she will be able to help you.
Please take time to fill out your health history form. Our doctors will be better able to help you if they have a clear understanding of your health history. We ask many questions to help jiggle your memory about long forgotten events that could help explain your current complaints. We look for the deep underlying causes. Axial Stability Method is not a band-aid approach.
Please be on time for your first visit. We have set aside this time for you. If you are late, your chiropractor has less time to collect the important information she will need to give you the clearest report of findings and determine if she will be able to help you.
The First Visit for Children

Dr. Lydia Knutson with new patient and his father
We start with a through evaluation of a child's health history. This is most often done with the parent(s) by phone once we have received the child's completed health history form. After this initial gathering of information, the child will come in for a chiropractic exam.
Our exam for children somewhat depends upon the abilities and attention span of the child. We do neurological games, visual analysis of asymmetry of shoulders and hips, arm and leg length discrepancies, patterns of neurological and muscular instability and weakness, as well as some standard orthopedic and neurological tests. At the end of the exam, the doctor will give a report of findings, and begin treatment if both parent and child wish to move forward with the recommended treatment.
Please be on time for your first visit. In fact, we usually encourage parents to arrive early. We have many fun toys and a large whiteboard. Playing in our waiting room gives your child a chance to become comfortable with the Lydian Center before their appointment begins. If you are late, your chiropractor has less time to collect the important information she will need, and your child doesn't get the time they need to feel as comfortable as possible in a new space.
Our exam for children somewhat depends upon the abilities and attention span of the child. We do neurological games, visual analysis of asymmetry of shoulders and hips, arm and leg length discrepancies, patterns of neurological and muscular instability and weakness, as well as some standard orthopedic and neurological tests. At the end of the exam, the doctor will give a report of findings, and begin treatment if both parent and child wish to move forward with the recommended treatment.
Please be on time for your first visit. In fact, we usually encourage parents to arrive early. We have many fun toys and a large whiteboard. Playing in our waiting room gives your child a chance to become comfortable with the Lydian Center before their appointment begins. If you are late, your chiropractor has less time to collect the important information she will need, and your child doesn't get the time they need to feel as comfortable as possible in a new space.
What We Do In a Treatment

an Activator
In an Axial Stability Method® treatment, we use kinesiologic muscle monitoring which involves pushing gently on your arm. We use a chiropractic instrument called an Activator, which is a small hand-held tool that delivers very light taps (2-3 psi) to specific joints. Sometimes we place wedge-shaped blocks under the pelvis for 30-60 seconds. We use these low-force techniques to communicate with the body to effect long-term change.
Follow-up Treatment

Patient in for a tune-up with Dr. Andrade
Axial Stability Method treatment is very long lasting. But new injuries happen. Trips and falls, long days sitting in a chair at the office, learning a new sport, or a long airplane flight are all times when new injuries can occur. Usually we recover from these incidents but sometimes we don't. This is when a trip to Lydian Chiropractic for a visit or two can get the biomechanical system back to its former efficiency. Many people choose to come in for regular tune-ups, similar to a twice yearly dental cleaning.
In addition to biomechanical injury, many patients come in for our unusually effective treatment of the immune system. We can often help your immune system organize itself to better fight off viruses including a stomach bug or the common cold. We also have effective treatments to help your system recover from food poisoning, toxicity, or sugar overload!
In addition to biomechanical injury, many patients come in for our unusually effective treatment of the immune system. We can often help your immune system organize itself to better fight off viruses including a stomach bug or the common cold. We also have effective treatments to help your system recover from food poisoning, toxicity, or sugar overload!